Meeting documents

North Dorset District Council Planning Committee
Tuesday, 26th February, 2019 9.30 am

  • Meeting of North Dorset District Council Planning Committee, Tuesday, 26th February, 2019 9.30 am (Item 80.)

Developthe land bythe demolition of allexisting buildings and erection of 40No. affordable homes.Form vehicularaccess, parking and allassociated landscaping. (Outline application to determine access and layout).


This site is currently owned by North Dorset District Council and the outline application for demolition of all existing buildings and the development of 40 affordable homes was presented by the Major Applications Manager.  The outline application sought to determine access and layout.  An additional two representations were reported. The site had been the subject of a site visit by the committee members. 


The Major Applications Manager re-iterated the key planning matters and advised that whilst the  Nordon building was in a Conservation Area, it was not a designated heritage asset and was not listed.  The DCC Highways representative confirmed that access and road layout was acceptable.


Public Participation


Oral representation in objection to the application was received from Cllr Quale (DCC), Mr J Turnbull, Mr C Williamson, Mr Richens, Mr Imber, Mr S Hickman (Historic England) and Cllr Carter (Chairman of Blandford Town Council).  Their concerns focused on:

-       Affordable housing being provided on alternative developments, negating the need for this development

-       The effect of additional vehicles on Salisbury Street and traffic safety

-       Schools already being at full capacity. 

-       The development would have a detrimental effect on the wildlife

-       The Nordon building was of local historical importance, in a conservation area and demolition would cause substantial harm to the historic environment.


Public Participation


Oral representation in support of the application was received from Cllr Carr-Jones and Cllr l Roake and.  A lot of work had been put into the project, it had been considered by the Scrutiny committee and Cabinet and it was felt that a social led housing scheme would be preferable and would provide much needed homes.


Mr M Holmes the Agent for the application also spoke on behalf of Aster group.


Ward Member


Cllr Tanner suggest that the building was vital to the conservation and conversion would be a better option than demolition.


Member debate


Members felt that the surrounding area was of mixed character, with a number of 1970’s buildings behind the Nordon building.  In response to a request to include a condition to seek to re-cycle interior fixtures and fittings, the Major Applications Manager advised that he could impose a condition to seek to record elements of significance and importance and re-use where possible.   It was also pointed out by committee members that listing had not been achieved for the building even after three attempts and it was important to leave a legacy for the town.


Cllr Lacey-Clarke proposed, Cllr Ridout seconded.


Decision;  That in accordance with Part 4 of the Constitution – Procedure Rules, no 43 a recorded vote was taken.


Proposed by Cllr Ridout, seconded by Cllr Lacey-Clarke


That the application be refused due to substantial harm to the conservation area, Para 195 Of the NPPF should be applied.


Those who voted for the proposal to refuse; Cllr Lacey-Clarke, Cllr Ridout.

Those who voted against the proposal: Cllr Dowden, Cllr Croney, Cllr Fox, Cllr Stayt, Cllr Williams.


The proposal was LOST.


Proposed by Cllr Stayt, seconded by Cllr Dowden.


That the application be approved.


Those who voted to approve the application: Cllr Dowden, Cllr Croney, Cllr Fox, Cllr Stayt, Cllr Williams.

Those who voted against: Cllr Lacey-Clarke, Cllr Ridout.


Decision: That the application be delegated to the Head of Planning (Development and Building Control) to grant permission subject to the securing of planning contributions through the signing of a Section 106 Agreement and the conditions outlined in the appendix to these minutes, and the following condition being added:


Prior to any demolition onsite, a scheme for the reuse of materials from the site will be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme will be implemented thereafter.


Supporting documents: